La giuria internazionale del 54 Festival dei Popoli – composta da Pieter van Huystee (film producer), Cinta Pelejà (festival director), J. P. Sniadecki (fillmmaker) – ha assegnato a PER ULISSE il Premio al Miglior Lungometraggio con la seguente motivazione:
With the metaphorical frame of a cathartic journey, this film is truly of the people, made with people, and not just about people. Transforming indelible moments of story-telling and play-acting into eccentric cinema, the filmmaker restores us to the deep feeling of listening, of being open and responding with our own bodies to the experiences, fragilities, insanities, joys, and inherent beauty of other human beings.
Attraverso la metafora del viaggio catartico, questo film appartiene veramente alla